You will need to disable any ad-blocking software in your browser.
This is how you do it:
* Click the icon with the three horizontal lines in the top right
* Select "Add-ons" from the drop-down menu.
* Click "Extensions" in the ...
If you are experiencing any issues with the Android/iOS app, please
try these steps:
1. Reboot your WiFi router.
2. Reinstall the app and reboot your device.
3. Test the mobile website in your Android or
iOS browser app (e.g. C...
In order to check your connection in case of freezing/buffering issues
we need you to perform the next steps: - This tests your connection to FilmOn
and gathers playback-relevant data about your client or browser. After
If you are experiencing an issue with FilmOn TV application on
iPhone/iPad or Android devices, please try doing the following:
* Make sure that you have the latest app installed (you can always
check it in your app updates).
* Make sure you have the...
If you are experiencing any issues with your laptop/PC/Smart TV,
please try the next steps:
1. Reboot your WiFi router.
2. Connect the laptop directly to the router *and* disconnect all
other cables connected to any LAN ports (but leave the WAN cable
To help us fix errors in specific browsers, we need your help in
establishing what these errors are. The screen print below will show
you how to get this information: Open FireFox-> on the top left menu
select Tools -> Web Developer -> Firebug -> Open Fir...
To help us fix fix any errors ocurring in specific browsers we need
your help in establishing what these errors are. The Javascript debug
view will display these errors when you experience problems with our
website while using Google Chrome.
To use Javas...
If you are experiencing problems with our website while using Internet
Explorer 9 or above, the instructions below will show you how to
enable the debug console that will help us locate errors causing these
problems. Please email us any errors that come u...
To help us fix errors in specific browsers we need your help in
establishing what these errors are. The instructions below will show
you how to use the Javascript debug view to track any errors that may
be causing you problems with our website using Safar...
There are many different causes that can lead to audio/video freezes
on channels, some of them are:
1). WIFI. Wifi, which many of our viewers enjoy, has transmission
issues like a radio. If the connection isn't great, then the viewing
is bad. There is n...