- Downloading FilmOn TV App. Please make sure you have the latest iOS version running on your device. You can check it by going to Settings – General - Software Updates.
Download FilmOn TV app from the AppStore - FilmOn Free Lite TV version 2.0.31
Log into your account or create a new one if you didn’t have it.
If you are using older versions of iOS devices that the app doesn’t support, please use this mobile website: http://www.filmon.com/mobile.
- Finding and watching channels. Scroll up and down to view available channels or type in a specific channel’s name or city into a search box. Click on the channel – a built-in player will automatically open up and start playing the video. To close the player and go back to a list of channels - tap on the screen and then click on “done” button on the top left corner.
- Recording a program or scheduling a future recording – click on a TV guide icon next to a channel’s name. In the list of the programs choose a one you wish to record and click on it. A new field with a red button will open up – tap on that button, and the show will start recording or will be scheduled for recording.
- Playing recorded show. Click on the Recordings link from the list of Extras above the channels list (do not click on the Recordings link on the bottom – that will be added in the next app update). Once you click on the link, you will be taken to your recordings. You will see a “tap to play” green button under each recording – tap on it, and the program will start playing.
- Deleting recorded program. Click on the Recordings link on the bottom of the screen to view recorded programs. Swipe to the left or to the right on the program’s name with a tip of your finger. A red “delete” button will appear on the right, and by clicking on it you can delete the recording.